آخرین اخبار
Carboxytherapy in hair growth and hair loss prevention
History of carboxytherapy in general medicine

There are various treatment methods in the treatment of obesity and fitness, which are divided into two categories of invasive and non-invasive treatments
Invasive treatments include surgical methods based on the physical removal of fat cells, which are performed by a surgeon in the operating room under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.
One of the invasive methods is lipolysis by laser or by ultrasonic devices such as lipomatic, which creates a hole in the skin and removes the fat by suction.
Abdominoplasty is another invasive surgical procedure in which a large amount of fat is removed by a surgeon.
Non-invasive methods include the use of devices that are applied on the skin during treatment sessions of at least 2 months along with diet and exercise.
These devices and methods include the use of radio frequency (RF) device, ultrasonic cavitation, cryolipolysis, carboxytherapy, LPG suction device, faradic electrical stimulation device, etc.